A girl is expected to get married with the man that her parents find suitable. The mother has prepared her to learn and do all the necessary task to be a good wife. The father is doing all his best to make ends meet. These ordinary circumstances become special in this film.
The film is set in plantation coffee near the mountain in Guatemala.
The language spoken for the most part is an indigenous Mayan language, Kaqchikel and only few part, Spanish. As if to say, the main characters are Kaqchikel people so their language will be the majority and Spanish will be the minority. This kind of treatment doesn’t only stop there. As the movie progress, you will get hooked by the story and not care much about the language, place and culture. It doesn’t try to make the Kaqchikel culture to been seen as exotic or alien.
Main characters are the girl, Maria and the mother, Juana. A deliberate choice from the filmmaker because machismo (an exaggerated masculinity) is still very much part most of South America and pointing out the strength in woman would be a good attempt to defy that. Even here the mother, shows such strength that you would only see how a wife/mother is the force that holds together a household.
Watching this kind of movie, I make a promise to myself that I need to see and read more about stories with diverse language, place and culture. If we don’t have the time and money to go to many places around the world, aren’t movies and books the best option to know and understand more about people with different circumstances than us ?
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