Berusaha Adil dalam Tulisan
Perpanjangan dari diskursus yang sempat saya singgung di sini, saya ingin merespons esai Mas Yohan Fikri di atas. Berlandaskan salah satu artikel ilmiah yang dijadikan acuan oleh Mas Yohan, “The Problem of Speaking for Others” – Linda Alcoff, bagaimana pentingnya disclaimer dibarengi dengan critical interrogation, maka saya akan memberi disclaimer bahwa saya tidak bekerja penuh…
Pembelaan Seorang Tikus Anti-Intelektual
Berawal dari utas tweet Gladhys di atas, lalu ada salah satu warganet yang memberi respons dengan melabeli Gladhys sebagai anti-intelektual. Ya tentu saja, aku selayaknya kebanyakan warganet, membaca cuitan respons tsb pakai bumbu emosi racikanku sendiri, apalagi pemberi label ini seorang lelaki dan Gladhys temanku sendiri, aku otomatis respons ke tweet itu: Tak disangka-sangka (atau…
Perbukuan di Negaranya Messi (Bagian I)
Aku selalu kagum dengan kekreatifan Argentina (dan negara-negara Amlat lain) dalam urusan menyalurkan…
Novia Widyasari – sorry, we fail you
Angry. Sad. I need to vent. Deciding to stay away from the social media, as not to read her stories, was an available choice for me. But she didn’t have easy choices. She only had limited suffocating choices. The pain was too much to handle on her own that she choose the only way she…
“Mitos, cuentos y leyendas de América Latina” – Reseña
Como alguien que no es nativo, leer libros infantiles me ayuda mucho para familiarizar con el idioma usando menos esfuerzo (solo tengo que chequear diccionario menos que cuando leo libros adultos 😂). Este libro cuenta 17 historias que quizás ya son bastante conocidas por los hispanohablantes pero no tanto para los extranjeros (o quizás depende de…
“Macondo, Para Raksasa, dan Lain-Lain Hal: Seputar Sastra Amerika Latin” – Ulasan
Kalau ada mata kuliah Pengantar Sastra Amerika Latin di kampus-kampus Indonesia, menurutku buku ini wajib ada di daftar referensi ☺️. Kumpulan tulisan Pak Ronny ini, seseorang yang sudah kecemplung dan gandrung dengan sastra Amerika Latin sejak lama, cocok untuk jadi perkenalan awal buat siapa saja yang belum pernah baca karya penulis dari sub-benua Amerika itu, baru…
“Ixcanul” (2015) – Review
A girl is expected to get married with the man that her parents find suitable. The mother has prepared her to learn and do all the necessary task to be a good wife. The father is doing all his best to make ends meet. These ordinary circumstances become special in this film. The film is…
“Dick Johnson is Dead” (2020) – Review
“Dick Johnson is Dead” is a movie made by a daughter about her father that got diagnosed by Alzheimer. It is not only a simple biographical movie. It is her attempt to ease the pain when the inevitable finally knock on their family’s door. Documentary movie. The general content would be footages of places, events,…
“Babenco — Tell Me When I Die” (2019) – Review
A documentary about an Argentinean-Brazilian movie director, Hector Babenco. I hadn’t seen any of his movies. I will definitely try to watch some after seeing this documentary. This movie is a work from his wife, so it’s no surprise that we would get an unique and personal touch. We get a peek of his past…
Where is Home Exactly?
“I haven’t found the place to call home yet,” is one statement I always say constantly. Perth, Jakarta, Noumea, back to Jakarta, Surabaya, Buenos Aires, Malang, and now back to Jakarta again have been my nomad pattern for these past years. It may seem a lot -or not, for some- but yes, what I consider…
I’m Astrid. Main job: common office worker in Jakarta, part-time: literary translator from Spanish to Indonesian, full-time: committed to enjoying whatever life has in store for me and trying to become a slightly better human each day.